Unacceptable Behaviour

Students who are behaving unacceptably (as laid out above) will first be given a verbal warning, before being issued with detention if the behaviour persists.

For students who repeatedly behave in an unacceptable manner, parents will be called in and warning letters will be issued.

Behaviour contracts may be drawn up, as an agreement between the student, the parents and the school that they will improve.

In extreme cases, if no improvement is shown and the student has received sufficient official warnings, the school reserves the right to suspend or expel students.



For primary students, detentions take place under supervision on a Wednesday afternoon from 3:10-4pm. For secondary students, detentions are held on Friday afternoons from 12:30-1:30pm.

In certain instances of extreme disobedience/ unruly behaviour, the school management may issue Saturday morning detentions.



Bullying (as described above) is not treated in the same way as unacceptable behaviour. Parent’s will be called immediately, and warning letters issued. There is NO place for bullying of any kind at Charis International School.


Lateness/ Attendance

Attendance is taken in home-room time every morning at 8am. If a student is late three times in a calendar month, they will receive a detention. Full attendance is very important and should be the goal of every student. If a student’s attendance is below 90% for the term, they will not be allowed to sit the end-of-term exams. (For special cases, extenuating circumstances will be taken into account)


Uniforms & Jewellery

Detentions will be issued to any secondary student not in full formal uniform on Mondays, unless they have a letter from their parents with a valid reason. After assembly, the blazer and the waistcoat may be removed, but the tie must be worn all day.

If students have been warned about wearing inappropriate jewellery but persist, it is within the teachers’ rights to confiscate it.



iPads are for educational purposes only. iPads should be used in class under the instruction of the teacher. Otherwise, they should be in the students’ bags or closed on the desks. If students are seen on social media or playing games, in class or in the library, then their iPads will be confiscated. The school will keep the iPad for 24 hours for the first offensive, followed by one week if the student is caught for a second time. Secondary students are expected to demonstrate self-discipline and appropriately at school, students learn to resist online temptations and prioritise learning.


Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should not be seen in school at any time. Mobile phones should never be present at school. If students bring their phones to school, they should keep them switched off and keep them in the lockers provided in the school library. If a teacher sees a student's phone not kept in the designated place, the phone will be confiscated for a duration of one week (possibly extending into the weekend if it's a Friday). If students need to make an emergency call, they can use the phone in the school office."