
Select the child's Year of Birth:

Should you require any assistance, please contact our Admissions Team.


Kindergarten Fees Per Term1

K1 (Age 4) Fees
Tuition Fees2 RM4,000
Miscellaneous Fees RM400
Meals RM600
Total RM5,000
  1. There are 3 terms per academic year.
  2. Malaysia Ministry of Education approved fees.


Admissions Fees (one-time payment)

K1 (Age 4) Fees
Application RM200
Enrolment RM2,000
Capital Contribution
(Less for subsequent siblings)3
Refundable Deposit
(One term's Tuition fees)
Total RM11,200
  1. Capital contribution for second child is RM4,000 and subsequent siblings is RM3,000 each.



School Calendar

Visit the Calendar directory for up-to-date school's events.